ePOLAK Foundation Statutes
Our aims and objectives:
- Support and promote labour market development and equal labour opportunities, particularly for the unemployed or people at risk of social exclusion.
- Train and educate employers and their employees on the risks and opportunities of the Internet and new technologies.
- Help socially excluded people, e.g. the elderly, to access the Internet and new technologies.
- Train and educate parents and their children on the risks and opportunities of the Internet and new technologies.
- Support and promote economic development.
- Support and promote new inventions and technological innovations.
- Promote a healthy lifestyle and sports activities.
- Support and promote talented individuals.
- Give social assistance to people in need.
- Support and promote the maintenance of our national traditions.
- Support and promote activities for the integration and cooperation between different European societies.
- Support and promote regional dialects and the traditions of ethnic minorities.
- Take action in the field of health protection.
- Support and promote activities for people with disabilities.
- Support and promote equal rights for men and women.
- Support the development of local communities.
- Support the development of science and education.
- Support children and teenagers in need.
- Promote the protection of our cultural and national heritage.
- Promote the protection of animals and our natural heritage.
- Support tourism and sightseeing.
- Take measures for public order and safety.
- Promote and protect human rights, civil liberties and democracy.
- Take action in the field of civil protection.
- Give assistance to victims of calamities, natural disasters, armed conflicts or wars.
- Promote and protect consumer rights.
- Promote and organise voluntary work.
- Promote and protect children’s rights.